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Shell's Crochet Workshops

From basic stitches to advanced designs, I've got you covered!

Don't just crochet, create works of art with our workshop

Image by Edz Norton

Taster Session

Crochet is a versatile craft that can be used to create everything from cozy blankets to delicate lace. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced crocheter, this workshop is perfect for you. By the end of the workshop, you'll have the skills and inspiration needed to start your own crochet projects. Don't miss this opportunity to create your own unique crocheted items. Register now and bring your hook!

Crochet Workshop

This workshop is perfect for those who have some experience with crochet and want to improve their skills and take on more challenging projects. By the end of the workshop, you'll have the confidence and skills needed to tackle more complex crochet projects and create stunning pieces that will impress your friends and family.

Hair clips decorated with crochet object
Image by Oscar Helgstrand

Intermediate crochet workshop

Ready to take your crochet skills to the next level? Our intermediate crochet workshop is perfect for those who have some experience with crochet

You'll have the opportunity to crochet a more complex project, such as a hat or scarf, and receive personalised guidance and feedback.. Join our community of crochet enthusiasts and elevate your crafting game!

Register Now!

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